Lessons from PHX – Embracing Lean Urbanism

Background Like many other Sunbelt cities, Phoenix experienced explosive population growth after World War II. City leaders chose a sprawling development model to accommodate the growth, abandoning the “city of gardens and trees” for mass-produced neighborhoods at the...

The Story of Lean Detroit

Context Detroit is a place of intrigue. The dramatic rise and fall of the city over the last half century has created a story that is somewhat unique in regards to many North American cities. Much of this distinction is due to Detroit’s significant rise, wealth and...

Lean Education – Architects as Developers

The Problem Over the past 30 years, architects have been relegated to serving as consultants in a process, relinquishing their time-honored role as leaders of development decisions. This results in projects without the important elemental conception essential to...

The Katrina Cottage Movement – A Case Study

Out of the Storm In early 2006, less than six months after Hurricane Katrina blew apart Mississippi’s coastal communities and flooded New Orleans, a prototype Katrina Cottage designed by Marianne Cusato at the 2005 Mississippi Renewal Forum in Biloxi was put on...

Localism in England – Lessons for Lean Urbanism

Localism The Localism Act, which received Royal Assent in 2011, introduced a series of new Community Rights in England. These are permissive powers, in which a neighbourhood which self-organises can take on various rights, including the right to develop its own plan,...